
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the building blocks of our Ad-hoc Mobile Ecosystem.
Find below the list of Open Source candidates from Google Code, we have currently under evaluation.

Location based

AR Browser & Multimedia Interactive Tagging (Audio, Graphic, Text)

  1. armp: Location based audio streaming
  2. mezzofantiAR through text-recognition and translation
  3. realgraffitiLocation based graphic marking (tagging)
  4. staaarLocation based text tagging and sharing

AR Browser

  1. mixare: Location based AR
  2. raveneyeLocation based AR, support for POI and way-points
  3. android-argame: A Mixare fork which tries to support AR multi-user scenarios

Marker Based

  1. droidar: Basic functionality for marker based and location based AR
  2. nfc-contextual-learning: Near Field Communication (NFC) Marker based AR

AR Libraries

  1. armd2011: AR Game lectures at Vienna University of Technology, showcases the usage of central AR  relevant Android libraries.
  2. android-augment-reality-frameworkA framework for creating marker based augmented reality Apps on Android
  3. android-ar-base: Basic functionality for marker based AR (based on NyARTookit). 
  4. aruco-android: Ongoing Spanish project to establish an AR library

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