
Agility and Speed are key factors

The Ad-hoc Mobile Ecosystem is specifically designed to support disaster relief scenarios and military operations and thus it is mission relevant software.

"We cannot retreat behind a Maginot Line of firewalls otherwise we will risk to being overrun. It is like maneuver warfare, all that matters is speed and agility."(Referring to a quote from William J. Lynn III [1])

What has changed since 1940 in Maginot?
  • Digital information has become a central asset in military conflicts.
  • This way software has become a critical resource for military operations.
  • There is an outer world, not necessary combatants, which learned how to utilizes digital information at a tremendous speed. In a conflict situation against us.

Speed and costs are the most critical metrics for development tasks referenced today.
With budget cuts proposed for the nearly all western defense communities, cost is the most urgent parameter.

But from an operational view, speed is named most often. We have to view at speed from more the one dimension:
  • Inner dimension: Speed of continuous change of requirements during development and way more important during life-cycle after deployment of the solution.
  • Outer dimension: High speed evolution of software outside the military realm and the need "not being overrun".
 A compilation of commonly cited requirements with no sorting regarding their priority:
  • Increased Agility and Flexibility
  • Faster delivery
  • Increased Innovation
  • Reduced Risk
  • Increased Information Assurance & Security
  • Lower Costs
Next blog entry will focus how to respond to these requirements with Open Source Software (OSS).


[1] Lynn, William J. III. Sep 2010. "Defending a New Domain: The Pentagon's Cyberstrategy". Foreign Affairs.

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